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One hundred young people have built this local history resource exploring the Norfolk tradition of mardling (gossiping or telling a good old yarn).

They worked with local historians and film-makers to find some of the strangest and most macabre tales to come out of the region. These are the stories they liked best, retold using drama, animation and documentary.

The project comes in two main parts. Mardling From Coast to Broad explores a range of ghostly tales from throughout Norfolk. Mardling Along the Poppyline takes its inspiration from the North Norfolk Railway, and explores the darker side of local rail history.

The short films and animations are organised thematically in the 'Films & Animations' section. Each page contains up to eight films so please scroll down to see them all. They are accompanied by short descriptions and contextual notes.

For further Research Links, please click here. We hope the project will help inspire more young people to delve into their local heritage and discover some of the riches that await them! For a Behind the Scenes slideshow and further information about the project please click here.

A compilation DVD of all the films on this site is now available. Please email us for further details.

"Taking part in the media project has helped build my confidence to be able to use the professional equipment, and to have the help of trained and skilled individuals, I feel that my knowledge and abilities in the area of media has increased dramatically, broadening my horizons for the future."
Callum Williams