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A poem for a Screenplay. Find out more >
Andy Craven-Griffiths Discussing Performance Poetry. Find out more >
Backdrop for a Video Poem about Music. Find out more >
Calligrams with Julia Webb. Find out more >
Filming A Poets. Find out more >
Josh Seigal Performing. Find out more >
Model for an Animation about a Whale. Find out more >
Warming up Game with Joc Mack. Find out more >

Animated Poetry in Schools

Poetry Moves! was inspired by Literature Live, a festival of performed poetry, video and animation held at Stalham High School, in Norfolk UK. Over 8 days in July 2014, students wrote and performed poetry for the big screen. They worked with professional poets, a theatre director and two film makers to create a series of short films and animations based on their creative writing.

This web site is both a showcase of their work and a resource for other students and teachers interested in exploring moving image based poetry and creative writing. Poetry Live looks at ways to write poems specifically for a live context. Video Poems explores how to develop poetry for the video camera. Animated Poetry focuses on poetry composed for 2D cut out animation. Resources lists a number of other web sites and books which might help inspire similar projects.

Please email us for further details.

Featured film

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The Snatch by Holly and Georgia

Students wrote and storyboarded short poems then animated them using 2D cut out models.
Find out more >

National Lottery / Shaw Trust / Media Projects East