The year 1698 saw an event which is featured in many guide books and directories, when on August 20th the last duel fought in Norfolk took place on Cawston Heath. on the Holt/Norwich road.
The contestants were Sir Henry Hobart MP of Blickling Hall and Oliver Le Neve, a lawyer from Great Witchingham. The two had been engaged in a bitter dispute as a result of Sir Henry being accused of cowardice when fighting in support of William 111 at the Battle of the Boyne in Ireland in 1690. At the same time Sir Henry lost his seat in Parliament, and denounced Oliver Le Neve as the cause of his troubles. Further altercations followed, and Le Neve reluctantly accepted Sir Henry's challenge to a dual, which was not illegal then, provided that seconds and witnesses were in attendance. It appears there were none present on this occasion. It was said that Le Neve described as a great sportsman and a great drinker, fought left-handed and was soon wounded in the arm by Sir Henry who had a reputation as a swordsman.
Members of the cast of Cawston Amateur Theatrical Society performed this re-enactment.